Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Groovy, man!

When I host a swap, I like to add a bonus card...just my way of saying thank you for being a part of my swap. I try to incorporate the theme of the swap into the bonus. Here is "A Punky Thank You" created for the Steam Punk swap:

A Punky Thank You LTC

For my latest hosted swap, Sig-Stamp Challenge, I was kind of at a loss for a thank you idea. My solution? Carve another sig-stamp, of course! I guess I need a 'thank you' stamp, as well, eh?

(each stamp measures 5/8")

I ended up with three different stamps. The SHH Inky Jedi stamp turned out OK, but it just wasn't what I wanted. Back to the drawing board to carve the second with just the SHH. For these little stamps, I was working with the new tools that Kirbert modified for me, so carving was interesting...not the usual auto-pilot carving that comes with being very familiar with your carving tool. I almost took out part of the 'a' on the thank you stamp cutting too far into the line...oops!

(larger flower measures just over 1.5" across,
and the little guy measures .25")

Above is the super-easy flowers needed for the design of the card. The itty-bitty flower is actually one of the few store-bought stamps that I own and really like, but I just couldn't bring myself to use a store-bought stamp on the card. guessed it - I stamped it, then transferred and carved it. *smile*

A Groovy Thank You LTC


Ari C'rona said...

Love it! Your creativity still amazes me, my friend! :o)

Mama Cache said...

These really turned out so cute. ;-)
Many thanks to you!

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