Friday, December 4, 2009

How 'bout a little Jane?

(stamp image 2.25" x 3.25")

This is a stamp I carved for a Jane Austin swap not too long ago. To my surprise, she wrote under the pen name 'By a Lady'. I wanted the stamp, and subsequent LTCs, to look like an old-fashioned calling card.

Calling cards are interesting to me. There are folks that collect the old ones; check out these sites to see calling cards for the Gentlemen and some for the Ladies . I also found this interesting site talking about modern calling cards: Chic and Charming.

Interesting swap idea, to be sure...

ps. In thinking about calling cards, I realized that my Padawan and I use calling cards when we troop science fiction conventions. The cards feature some of our many Star Wars stamps on the front and on the reverse is information on how to contact us. People are quite impressed when we offer them one...very handy, indeed!


Stacy Christian said...

Didn't James Perrott leave his calling card in what became the very first letterbox?

That is one incredible stamp!

Mama Cache said...

Very beautiful...

Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

Nice catch, S -

"The year was 1854, and a Victorian guide named James Perrott placed a bottle in the wildest, most inaccessible area on Dartmoor, England, along the banks of Cranmere Pool. In it, he included his calling card so future visitors could contact him and leave their own calling cards. Little did anyone know, this small act would be become the hobby we now know as letterboxing."

cool, huh? :-)

Ari C'rona said...

That's cool! The ladies' site reminds me of 'Little House on the Prairie' books when Laura had to have her own set of calling cards.

That 'Gentleman's' site is great! Love the 'How to carve a turkey' video.

Our trooping cards popped into my mind just before I read that paragraph!

Lovely carve, my friend. :o)

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