Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Art from a Galaxy Far, Far Away

OK, so you already know I love, love, love Star Wars, right? And it just so happens that I have quite a few friends that love it, as well. Does that surprise you?

It shouldn't.

32,000 Star Wars fanatics paid the admission price of $145 for the four-day Star Wars Celebration V held in Orlando, Florida. That's right...32,000 people who feel exactly the way I do about the saga. It was worth it to them to fly, pay for hotel and event, eat at spendy restaurants and ship their costumes from all over the country. And why, you ask? Because Star Wars rocks, that's why!  Oh, and they get to hang out with all the other Star Wars 'geeks' for four days; four days of nothing but Star Wars - celebrities, panels, workshops, fan films, costumes, autographs, sneak-peeks, artists and collectors, etc., etc.  The thought is almost overwhelming!

just some of the Star Wars stamps I have carved over the years (actual size 8.5" x 11")

Below is the latest artwork from a few of my Star Wars-loving friends - they are so wonderful, I definitely wanted to share.  I'll start with my oh-so-fun 'swap book' featuring the amazing card by my very own Padawan.  I will be honored to share this collection of art with my Star Wars friends at conventions and gatherings.

"An Honest Politician", by Padawan

"George Lucas" by Mn8X, (lettering carved by Maude)

"Chewie is my Co-Pilot", by Craftymouse

"Classic Princess Leia", by Cat Eyes

"Escape from the Death Star", by Green Jello

"Master Yoda", by Baqash

"A Message of Hope", by Tiger Pride (each card was personalized for the recipient)

"Masterful", by Dewberry

"Thanks!", mouse droid carved by Craftymouse

"These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For", by BfloAnonChick

"Quoting the Inky Jedi", by Mama Cache (sketch by Miss C)
[read the backstory HERE ]

"Anakin & Padme", by SHH
(carved on FirmKut )

"Red Guard", by MN Compass

"Shadowed the Future Is", by Romana

"Darth Maul", by 3 Bears

"Stormtroopers", by Ona Journey

"The Kiss", by Jabber JoBob (this card is so fun - you can slide them into position!)

"Wedge Antilles", by Dancing Pecan

"Yoda", by Roly-Polies

"Darth Vader", by Cat Eyes

Thank you to all the wonderful artists who were in 
the 'Snap-Hiss' Star Wars Swap...
  the Force is with you!


Kaaren said...

Those are great!

Ari C'rona said...

What an absolutely fabulous swap it was, Master Jedi! Everyone's contributions are wonderful!

Thank you sooo much for hosting it!


SnailMail said...

Wow, those are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Such fun to get see everyone's! Better yet they are ALL wonderful!


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