Friday, September 10, 2010

On the craft desk

This week I have been able to spend a little time just carving for fun.  I don't get to do that much -what a treat!

Here is what's hangin' out on the craft desk currently...

A little bit of the Master, 1" x 1.5"

A warm-up for the Erte swap, 1.5" x 1.75"

Capt. Rex in pink stuff, 1"

To all my readers - I love you!
2.5" x 1"


Mama Cache said...

Love knowing that you've had time and inspiration to carve . . . thank you so much for sharing your 'fun' with us.

Ari C'rona said...

Those are wonderful, my friend! :o)

TerraKacher said...

Sue, you have always been an inspiration to me, thank you for sharing.


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