Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sayin' Goodbye to My Friend Pre

meetin' with Pre in Olympia, '07
It was an honor and a pleasure to know the letterboxer we all called Pre.  Short for 'Preboxed', we all loved how she incorporated 'PRE' into every message she posted.  We loved her wit and sometimes startling humor, her enthusiasm and her smile...the fact that she was so full of life.

The cancer that consumed our friend cannot take the memories of her from us.  I am thankful that I was able to know her for a short while. 

Pre, my friend, you will most certainly be missed. 

Remembrance is a golden chain
Death tries to break, but all in vain.
To have, to love, and then to part
Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart.
The years may wipe out many things,
But some they wipe out never.
Like memories of those happy times
When we were all together.


Mama Cache said...

Sweet tribute . . .

Thank you so much for posting and for saying what I would have taken too long to attempt myself.

Ari C'rona said...

Thanks for posting this, my friend. I'm so glad you posted the pic of us when we first met. She had a sweet spirit about her.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute :)
Blue Butterfly

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this...she will be missed. Boxtops

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