Tuesday, April 27, 2021


newly minted!

I had to refresh my memory - what was a quisp again?

Sometimes, for letterboxers who enjoy dabbling with postals or LTCs, they’ll find a small, unexpected stamped image (usually hidden under the address label of the envelope they received). These small surprises are called a quisp. The name derives from the cereal Quisp, when Blue Box Girl mailed a Quisp shrinky dink under the address label as part of a Quisp cereal postal. Mystic Dreamer first started calling it a quisp, and the name stuck. (source: Atlas Quest)

Oh yeah! I had some 'official' quisps in my logbook from when I was doing a lot of LTCs and postals, come to find out. With a couple of packages going out this week, I thought I would up my game a bit and send along some fun. :)

I decided to add the AQ letterbox number on the back for easy logging. I have never done that before, but then again, there were just not that many LTCs and quisps floating around a decade ago! Now there are a bazillion or so!

So, just for the record: If you are sending me anything, I will be expecting a small gem under the address label! And mea culpa for any packages that went out recently without this small token of letterboxing-love. This mistake will not be repeated!

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