Monday, December 21, 2009

The Sea Maid

(stamp size 3.5" x 2.5")

One of my most recent carves, carved for an event far from here. I found this great poem that seemed to fit, from Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream:

To where I watch on the yellow sands,
and they pluck sweet music with sea-cold hands.

They bring me coral and amber clear.
But when the stars in heaven appear,

their music ceases, they glide away.
They swim for their grottos across the bay.

Then listen only to my shrill tune,
the surfy tide, and the wondering moon.


Stacy Christian said...

I love the background paper too! So perfect!


Ari C'rona said...

Lovely! :o)

Mama Cache said...

What a sweet expression! No one captures them like you do.

Mama Cache said...

Have you heard the song "La Petite Fille de la Mer" (The Little Girl of the Sea) by Vangelis? I think it fits her so well. ;-)

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