Wednesday, June 8, 2022

These rock!


I have learned a few things about making letter-rocks:

1. This technique is basically just covering the plastic box with concrete instead of duck tape.

2. These rocks are incredibly easy to hide!

3. I am more concerned with the boxes getting brittle over time than I am with the concrete breaking apart.

4. I have started to spray paint the tops a darker color (I like brown to look like generic dirt) and black on the bottom/lid. This is to facilitate even more camouflage.

5. I have taken to covering the wet concrete with play sand to give more natural rock texture. I have contemplated leaving them more smooth to mimic cobbles, but haven't attempted that yet.

6. In my climate the rocks take 48 - 72 hours to fully dry/cure. It is difficult for me not to manipulate them earlier, but I have had them break apart in my hands because of it. 

7. My favorite rocks are the smaller ones that cover a black film canister (microbox). These are incredibly easy and fun to hide! 

newly minted letter-rocks

spraying the bottom with matte black -
yeah, it will scratch off a bit, but most will stay

the microbox rocks are almost ready to paint and pack for planting!

I am interested in your experience with hiding and finding these types of boxes. I have now planted in camo taped and/or painted boxes, pouches, mag-boxes, and now fake rocks. What other clever ways have you planted letterboxes?

1 comment:

Bungalow Boxer said...

I love hiding them! I have still had them found by noxers, but they are less likely to be found. I go through a ridiculous amount of rock spray paint.... LOL. I will have to try the film canister idea!!!!!

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