Friday, September 18, 2009

*insert clever title here*

Haha! Did you think of a clever title for my post today? I just can't think of one this morning to go with these two little, unrelated stamps I carved last Saturday.

(actual size 1.5" x .75")

This stamp should come in handy as it's something I say so often! I wonder how many times a day that I say this to someone. I suppose it depends upon how many people I'm around.

(actual size .75" square)

And this sweet dove just caught my eye in searching for Hanukkah images recently. Would it be too weird to say that this is my Blooming Flowers dove? I carved it, unknowingly, on the day that she died. Somehow, that just struck me as a strange coincidence.

And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove!
for then would I fly away, and be at rest.
~Psalms 55:6


Mama Cache said...

Perhaps those stamps not so unrelated after all . . .
I think I'm fresh out of clever pills this morning!

Ari C'rona said...

These are sweet! :o)

Frankly, I like the title you have! lol! :o)

Stacy Christian said...

I must be wearing off on you. I've been uninspired for days.


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