Love what you do.
Believe in your instincts.
And you'd better be able to pick yourself up
and brush yourself off every day.
Believe in your instincts.
And you'd better be able to pick yourself up
and brush yourself off every day.
I love this quote...perhaps it needs to be memorialized in rubber.
This morning I felt the inklings of a spark. When I first returned from our travels, I didn't get a chance to really feel the inevitable let-down. We were plunged right back into the care and whirlwind of the final days of a dear friend battling colon cancer. Now that she has gone to be with our LORD and the memorials are over, I was left feeling a little wrung out and rather empty.
I should be stronger than to let myself sink into a funk...at least, I think so. But, I had to face facts; I was sinking, sure enough. We have been home 3-1/2 weeks and I was starting to wonder if I was going to feel the spark of creativity ever again.
I had started this carve when we first returned. It is taken from a self-portrait photo my daughter took for her online profile. It's so artistic...I always wanted to give it a go in rubber, so I transferred and got to it, only to be bogged down. Forcing carving is just not the way to do it (and perhaps a portrait in orange stuff wasn't the thing to start with). Looking back, I can see I was struggling - I even missed a major line in the penciling that made a huge difference in the carve. I put the carve aside to collect dust and didn't sit back down at my desk...until this morning.
Carved in orange PZKut, the stamp measures 2" x 2.5". Now, do I have enough spark to make it into anything that resembles an artistic LTC?
I'm cautiously hopeful.
I just knew she'd turn out great, my friend! Hmm... reminds me of a certain hero after an especially tough mission. :o)
I almost couldn't leave a comment . . . every time I started typing, I got teary-eyed. I guess I'm a little pathetic, but I'm truly happy for you. My friend, this is a lovely carve. What mastery!
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