Well, I'm still alive and blogging...kinda.
Just as a form of update, I've been battling what I suspect is a form of depression (I'm not really ready to admit it fully), and am working through things. Still can't quite sit down and carve, although I have tried...I'm sure I'll be back at it soon. Things have settled out; some issues are abating, some have resolved and some I'm trying to ignore (with limited success). The absolutely gorgeous sunny weather is helping, as well.
So, think positive thoughts for me, will you? Prayers are coveted, too. And if Webfoot could just come up with the magic formula for PZ Kut, I'm sure I could yank myself out of this slump so much quicker...
are you listening, my web-footed friend? *smile*
I'd better snap out of it soon, as I have swaps looming on the horizon...
~SHH, the pathetic letterboxer
We'll get through this slump, my dear. :o)
Keep your head up high, my friend. Things always have a way of working out.
Not pathetic . . . precious.
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