Wednesday, March 10, 2021

And suddenly, it is a decade later.


I cannot believe how long it has been since I spent anytime in a hobby, much less letterboxing. Last I posted on this blog, it was 2011. So much has happened since that last post. So much change - life changes like divorce, kids grown, two and a half degrees, a new house, and new town. Even though I am older, I am hopeful that I am wiser, as well.

At the point that I left 'boxing, my entire life had fallen apart. My mother had passed, my marriage was a shambles, and my beloved spiritual community was no longer what I needed or wanted. I dove into higher education - it was a lifelong dream, and I have been buried in studies ever since.

I started to feel empty - and I started thinking that it was an itch I knew how to scratch. Letterboxing was calling to me. Thankfully, my loyal friend Padawan (now Samsonite) was willing to jump back into the hobby, along with my partner, Obimaster. And, we are off and running!

I had to carve a new stamp for our new moniker - Lazy Bxrz. Last summer we bought an RV (didn't everyone??) and have been really enjoying spending time not only 'camping,' but safely traveling and making our investment the rolling hotel room that I needed to maintain my sanity. It seemed appropriate to incorporate our little home-away into our sig-stamp. We have been really enjoying dipping our toes back into the hobby-pool - drive-bys are our jam for the near future. But, it won't be too long before we start taking longer drinks of this refreshing pastime once again.

And we cannot wait until events can happen once again! Which leads me to my question - is there anyone boxing in the Pacific Northwest anymore? Have all my old fellow-boxers given it up or have they just simply found all the boxes? Are new people coming into the hobby? If not, how can that be remedied?

I have taken on the mission of trying to resurrect some of my old boxes, at least the ones that may be still active, and certainly planting new ones. I did receive a message that one of my boxes has been sitting lonely for 7 years - 7 years! I will be checking on that one and many others that are listed as active or unknown (on And I am starting right around home - Ocean Shores, Washington. We will see how it goes from there. We have already planted a couple of new boxes a bit south of us, and they are anxiously awaiting visitors. 

I have truly appreciated the warm welcome I have received from several dear friends and boxers - I am really looking forward to spending some time carving, crafting, hiking, and hunting. And rekindling old friendships and making new friends. I love this hobby.

"Letterboxing is a hobby ... but it is more than that. It is a chance to get out and experience someplace you have not been before. It is an exercise in following directions and your instincts. It is an opportunity to meet, make, and keep friends. And it is an outlet for your own creative energies and to enjoy the efforts of others.

Letterboxing is a hobby, yes, but what a sweet addiction it is."

Let the inky fingers commence!!

Your friend always,

~SHH :-)


Holly said...

WOW SHH has returned that put a smile on my face - I too have been out of boxing for awhile, but have the itch again too. We are about a country apart but maybe one day we will get to meet. Talley Valley Farm Clan (Holly)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! So glad you are back on the trails and carving stamps!
Blue Butterfly

Gwen said...

I am so excited to hear this news. I have actually followed your journey a bit over the years (I've been part of the AQ community for going on 14 years now) and I was sad that you stopped LBing (although I totally understood). I am in Canada and have moved to the west. I am in South Central BC and I long for the time when I can make a trip to Washington State, Idaho and even perhaps Montana to find some letterboxes. (There are NONE in BC... or at least very, very few.) One of my LBing goals is a. to find at least one of your boxes and b. to perhaps even meet you at an event some day. Here's hoping!!!! Happy letterboxing and welcome back!

Gwen (aka Water Lily)

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