Sunday, October 4, 2009


(stamp size 3.5" x 2")

Costumers who take the time and effort to dress as movie-accurate Stormtroopers call their helmets 'buckets'. An interesting term; I've had a bucket on, and I can see where they come up with that descriptor.

I carved this bucket - well, half a bucket - for an upcoming LTC project. I found this illustration of a bucket online and thought it was intriguing and perfect for the project. I'm still contemplating carving the other half...there is a PZ Kut drought going on, y'know, so I want to use what material I have wisely, for sure.


Mama Cache said...

Not what I was expecting when I read the title. ;-)

Not what I was expecting even when you said you were carving this -- quite fancy.

That is a cool stamp.

Ari C'rona said...

Absolutely cool, my friend! I remember another pic of you with the bucket on! :o)

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