Thursday, August 5, 2010

A little tweak

I like taking found images and giving them my own twist.  So, when I joined a very fun swap featuring the artwork of Caron Vinson, I had to choose which image I was going to tackle.  The fairy I chose happened to feature a lovely tattoo on her shoulder, which gave me an idea...

The stamp measures just shy of 3.5" x 2.5" and took the majority of an afternoon to complete.

This sweet fairy goes with this youngling I highlighted in an earlier post.  I gave her a 'tweak', as well.

Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi...


Mama Cache said...

Only you...!


That curl in the middle of her forehead reminds me of an old nursery rhyme my mom used to recite to me.

(By the way, my word verification says "mateedia" -- is that her name??)

Ari C'rona said...

She's lovely, Master Jedi - I think her tattoo is awesome! :o)

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