Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Gift of Ink

Look what came in the mail! In response to my investigation and review of various inks, a very generous 'boxer send me a surprise in the mail - how wonderful! All three of these particular inks I have not had the privilege to! I have looked longingly at the Adirondack colors, to be sure, and have been drawn to both these fabulous shades. Don't they just look like summer? The London Fog Memento will be fun to try, as I'm kind of a grey-ink collector. I've looked at the Martha ink, but haven't invested in any as of yet, so this will be a good test - white especially!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the special 'boxer who gifted me with this ink - I'm excited to give them a try and add my review to the list.

What? You say you don't know where this list of ink & reviews resides? Check it out here. I am looking for willing reviewers for any inks listed, or if you see a ink that needs to be added, please let me know!


Ari C'rona said...

Cool! I'll be interested to see how they work for you! :o)

Mama Cache said...

What inky fun! What a great surprise!

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